3 BPI Athletes Share Their Favorite Back Workouts

3 BPI Athletes Share Their Favorite Back Workouts


By Roger Lockridge

Team BPI doesn’t just talk or promote the fit life, they live it to the fullest extent. That includes showing up and giving it all to the gym. Our incredible athletes want you to do the same, which is why we asked three of our ambassadors to share their favorite back training tips. Read and apply what they share here, and your efforts will be well rewarded.

Coach Ty @ishowout_25


Coach Ty is not only a BPI Ambassador, he’s also a certified personal trainer. He wanted to overdeliver, so he shared a sample workout for you to take on that he does himself. Give this a go if you want to grow some serious wings.

Single Arm Cable Row – 4 sets of 20 reps

I like it because the high reps serve as a good burnout for your muscles at the end of your workout, it also isolates each of your back muscles so you can focus on each contraction.”

Wide Grip Pull-Up – 40 Rep Challenge

I call it a challenge because the goal is to get 40 reps in the least amount of sets possible.”

Dumbbell Row – 5 sets of 12-15 reps

Nothing beats the basics, just lifting heavy dumbbells and getting your full muscle contraction.”

Yessica Quinteroa @yessicaquinteroa



Straight Arm Pulldown - IFBB Pro Yessica Quinteroa is a fan of the straight-arm pulldown, which is also known as the cable pullover. Her arms stay straight with no bend in the elbow, which forces the lats to work on their own. She also maintains a bent-over position with her hips back for a greater range of motion.

Close Grip Lat Pulldown – The close grip lat pulldown helps target the lower lats while minimizing the use of the other upper back muscles. To get the best stretch possible, she leans forward slightly as the handle reaches the top before beginning the next rep.

Wide Grip Pull-Up – Like Coach Ty, Quinteora uses pull-ups as a foundation movement in her routine. She doesn’t shortchange the movement, either. She keeps tension on the back and the wide overhand grip keeps the biceps from getting involved too much.

Vernon Willis Jr. @_da1goodbadguy_

Indiana’s Vernon Willis Jr. Is a wrestler that also knows his way around a weight room. Aside from movements like those above, he will also use the seated cable row to help him etch detail into his upper back. It will also help him with pulling power because in his particular sport, it has to be about show and go.

Sample Back Workout

If you want to blend all three athletes’ workouts into one you can do, the sample workout below can go a long way in helping you blast yoru back effectively. Rest for 45-60 seconds in between each exercise except for the first one, which is Coach Ty’s Pull=Up challenge.

Wide Grip Pull-Up – 40 Rep Challenge

Close Grip Lat Pulldown – 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Straight Arm Pulldown – 3 sets of 12-15 reps

Dumbbell Row – 5 sets of 12-15 reps

Seated Cable Row – 3 sets of 12=15 reps


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