Supplement Stacks for Summer!

Supplement Stacks for Summer!

Having worked in this industry for a LONG TIME, I’ve received a lot of questions about supplements.  Mostly, people want to know what supplements to use to help them reach their personal goals – and more often than not the goal is to either get leaner, or get stronger.  So I wanted to offer-up this quick blog with my personal recommendation and rational for these basic supplement stacks.

Looking to get Lean

I get it…  summer is here, you want your Abs showing and/or want to look good in a swimsuit.  I recommend a three-pronged supplement approach with a Thermogenic, Fat-Attacker and Sikin Tightener: in this case B4, CLA+Carnitine and Shredding Gel.

In my mind, burning calories is paramount, and to support that I turn to a product like B4 for that metabolic support.  Next, I want to burn fat for energy, which is exactly what the CLA+Carnitne product was formulated to support.  And finally, I am a big believer in topicals to help keep the skin looking tight, and BPI’s Shredding Gel has helped consumers across the globe reach that goal!

This simple stack hits from multiple angles and has guided me and other BPI Customers down the road to a leaner physique.

Looking to get Strong? 

This is where I personally believe supplements can make a huge contribution!  This might sound simplistic, but in my life I’ve seen strength skyrocket when people use Pre-Workout, Creatine and Protein in their daily lives.

Pre-workouts can be a powerful tool to make sure every workout counts.  Getting to the gym and going all out, every day, has helped me to continue hitting PRs (even at 52 years old)!  1MR, with the throwback OG Formula hits me like nothing else on the market – and don’t forget, this is the product that launched BPI Sports to international recognition! 

Combining Creatine and Protein is a no-brainer for strength gains.  Creatine, with almost 200 years of research behind it, is in my mind the undisputed king of strength.  Whether a basic Monohydrate powder, of a formulated and flavored product like BEST Creatine, I’d say that ya can’t go wrong!  And of course, packing in quality protein is a must in my mind.  I’ve been particularly excited about BPIs HYDRO-HD protein lately, which I feel has amazingly fast digestibility and great taste.

Of course supplements are only part of the equation.  Getting the diet and exercise plans in place are paramount.  There’s a lot of info out there for you to evaluate, and we always do recommend checking with your medical practitioner if needed.


Chris MacKenzie is the CEO of BPI Sports and has been with the company since 2009.  Outside the office Chris is a father, coach, husband and an accomplished bodybuilder & strength athlete.  The opinions in this BLOG are Chris’ personal opinions and do not constitute medical advice.  We recommend using personal discretion in consuming any nutritional products or following any on-line training / nutritional advice. 

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